Sagle Idaho Homes for Sale March 2018 currently number 36. Based on Selkirk MLS search for Single Family homes with a minimum of 1 bedroom and 1 bath, and a maximum list price of $750,000. Of the 36 homes available the majority, 19 are found priced between $300,000 and $500,000. As with all of Bonner County the variety of Sagle Idaho Homes for Sale is wide.
Garfield Bay Sagle Idaho
The least expensive Sagle Home for sale is 3 bedroom 2 bath listed at $79,000. The most expensive, and under the $750,000 maximum list price, is 3 bedroom 2 bath listed $725,000.00. Of the 36 homes available the median list price is $346,843.00.(Median home price defined)Of the 36 homes currently active 5 are listed under $200,000.00. This is a drop of almost half from the 9 homes available under $200,000.00 in January 2018.
The most popular home is remains the 3 bedroom 2 bath home. 17 three bedroom homes are currently available. 3 one bedroom, 8 two bedrooms and 8 four bedrooms. There are 3 single bathroom homes, 20 with two bathrooms, and 6 with a three bathrooms. The 7 additional homes, have 1/2 and 1/4 bathrooms mixed in with at least 1 full bathroom.
Search Results for Sagle Homes for Sale March 2018. Link good only for 30 days from date of post. For search results as of when reading this post contact me.
As of March 21, 2018 the median list price is $346,843.00. A 2.8% increase over January 2018 median list price of $337,000. This however being lower than the median list price of $375,000 for December 2017. The price increase over January 2018 showing signs of ending 2018 with a higher yearly increase, than the state average of 9.2% for 2017.
With 2 homes having been sold in February 2018 and 3 thus far in March 2018 there is roughly a 12 month inventory of homes currently on the market within the stated search criteria. Current pending homes are at 17 indicating getting back on track of what has shown about 11 homes a month being sold.
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I have stated in a few of my recent market reports that our market would be hard pushed to maintain the price increases we have witnessed, month to month, over the past year. Even small increases in interest rates will also have a large impact on buying power. I believe while the market remains strong we may see some leveling off. Additional reports for surrounding areas will help give a better overall feel.
These figures are based on Single Family Homes searched in the Selkirk MLS. Minimum of 1 bedroom and 1 bath. List price maximum of $750,000. Coeur D’ Alene MLS and ‘For Sale by Owner are not included in information above. All figures subject to change daily with the sale of homes. All information deemed reliable but not guaranteed.
To have up to the minute Sagle Idaho Homes for Sale search sent to you, with specific information and criteria searched per your desires and needs, contact me.