North Idaho Real Estate Market Report
Number ‘Active’Listings 1st Quarter 2019

While inventories remain low the charts show ‘Active’ listings pretty stable through the 1st quarter. February shows a reaction to the harsh weather for the most part. Both Sandpoint and Sagle had 33% jumps from February Active Listings to March Active Listings. This only bringing them back to January numbers.
Days on Market for all the shown areas has dropped dramatically for end of 1st quarter figures. Many sellers have waited for spring / summer months. This surprisingly has not changed the ‘active’ count status very much from January numbers. April figures will need be looked at to determine if sellers have waited and priced too high and if inventory will increase or hold at its record low inventories. Either direction will affect pricing.

What this report and
Active Listing Price Report (Click Here) mean to you as a buyer or seller. Home Inventories remain extremely low while showing signs of leveling off. Buyers, expect prices to continue to climb. Sellers, now is a good time to get on the market and take advantage of lack of competition.
Do keep in mind this report and others show general trends, not specific information for niche areas. Buyers and Sellers, alike, are best served by asking for information directly relating to home style and geographic area.
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I have communicated before the diversity to be found both in housing and land characteristics, in North Idaho. To give a standard baseline, to review with consistency, I put some basic parameters in with which all searches are based on: $0 to $750,000.00, minimum 1 bedroom 1 bath, single family home. Figures are always Median to a search, and not the average. Search results from Selkirk MLS deemed reliable but not guaranteed.