Christmas Fudge – Family Tradition Continues in North Idaho

The Holiday Season is always so special to me. It does not matter one’s religion or beliefs. The season leading up to Christmas is filled with warmth and giving. Part of the spirit seen is all the baking. Handed out in good cheer and enjoyed by all. Mom’s Christmas Fudge tradition continues long after her passing.
Many years before I was old enough to remember, Mom was given a recipe for some very special fudge. She made it but once a year, Christmas time. She felt if it was made more often than that it would no longer be special. I begged her for the recipe through the years and never was it relinquished for this very same reason.

Long ago Mom became ill with cancer. She gave me a beautifully written Christmas Card. With the card came the very special gift of her Christmas Fudge recipe. Also asking me to make it but once a year as had been her tradition.

Since then, Mom’s Christmas Fudge tradition continues on through me. This will be the 63rd year with me having missed but one, and, of course, Mom never having missed any. With the Holiday Season a time to spread cheer I always find it warming to be able reflect on Mom, and years past, while making her special Christmas Fudge.
I always chuckle when I give out a plate of fudge. I receive a thank you, and an odd look, especially when realizing I personally made it. Much doubt as to its taste worthiness. lol It never fails though, the very next year the same skeptics are asking if I am making fudge again. With the short ‘Christmas Wish’ video below you can see the answer to that question is ‘YES’.
Enjoy your Holiday Season and
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